I’m still working on this. In other words, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Avant-garde ideation (e.g., blind contour drawing, Opposite Day critique, upside-down critique, wrong-hand drawing, etc.)
Gamified learning (e.g., Vocab Jeopardy)
Flipped classroom
Project-based learning
For student opinions, feel free to check out my RateMyProfessor profile.
Instructor: Drawing Class - Plaza Artist Materials, 2025
Adjunct Professor: Interaction Design 2 (CODE3011) - University of Cincinnati, 2025
Assistant Adjunct Professor: Design Aesthetics 2 (CODE1110) - University of Cincinnati, 2025
Assistant Adjunct Professor: Computer Graphics for Non-Majors (CMDS1085) - University of Cincinnati, 2024
Adjunct Professor: Design Drawing (CODE1000) - University of Cincinnati, 2024
Assistant Adjunct Professor: Design Aesthetics 1 (CODE1010) - University of Cincinnati, 2024
Adjunct Professor: Design Aesthetics 3: Computational Aesthetics (CODE2012) - University of Cincinnati, 2022
Instructor: Graphic Design Summer Camp - Digital Media Academy at Harvard University, 2017
Instructor: Graphic Design Summer Camp - Digital Media Academy at Southern Plano University, 2016
Facilitator: “No Fluff: Designing for Visual Economy, Relevance, & Utility in a Graphically Inundated World” (original workshop) - Harvard University, 2016
Graduate Teaching Assistant: Design Thinking & Problem Solving (DSGN1070) - University of Cincinnati, 2016
Graduate Teaching Assistant: Communication Design for Professional Practice (GRCD1030) - University of Cincinnati, 2015, 2016
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to critical seeing and thinking in design aesthetics. With a focus on the core principles of order and structure, emphasis is placed on the theoretical and strategic organization of form and visual composition.
Final project in Design Aesthetics 1 (taught at UC Blue Ash)
Line and shape study in Design Aesthetics 1
Line and shape study in Design Aesthetics 1
Line and shape study in Design Aesthetics 1
Simultaneous contrast illusion study in Design Aesthetics 1
Simultaneous contrast illusion study in Design Aesthetics 1
Simultaneous contrast illusion study in Design Aesthetics 1
The focus of the course addresses core principles of interface design, simple interactivity, user-interface systems, object properties/states, affordance and feedback, and visual qualities. Emphasis is placed on managing multiple elements of a system in dynamic, animated environments.
Demo of clickable prototype in Design Aesthetics 3
Code snippet associated with this demo in Design Aesthetics 3
An image a student generated using p5.js in Design Aesthetics 3
An image a student generated using p5.js in Design Aesthetics 3
An image a student generated using p5.js in Design Aesthetics 3
The emphasis of the course includes an introduction to technical, hand, and digital drawings. Applying aesthetic principles for the communication of conceptual ideas and image articulation, the purpose of this course is to provide the fundamental basis for design thinking, graphic translation and symbolic representation of images in a harmonic system of visual form.
Analytical study in Design Drawing
Line articulation study in Design Drawing
Light and shade study in Design Drawing
Icon study in Design Drawing
Graphic translation study in Design Drawing
Analytical study in Design Drawing
Light and shade study in Design Drawing
Icon study in Design Drawing
Line articulation study in Design Drawing
Graphic translation study in Design Drawing
Analytical study in Design Drawing
Line articulation study in Design Drawing
Light and shade study in Design Drawing
Icon study in Design Drawing
Graphic translation study in Design Drawing
Two-point perspective study in Design Drawing
Orthographic study in Design Drawing
Isometric study in Design Drawing