Garnering Data
When I first started at STACK, I used sticky notes and a dry-erase board to diagnose potential UX problems. I went through two rounds of problem ideation before diving into design work.
User experience mapping
More mapping
Driving metaphor for use issues (I have since realized to swap Speed Bump with Detour)
Presenting Insights
I presented insights from the sticky note activity to the organization, showing problems relating to sequence, function, vocabulary, and purpose.
Spectrum of user issues
Insight mapping
Success metrics
Pendo Waklthrough Design Process
We used Pendo for a great deal of popup design work at STACK. This is a presentation I put together illustrating various things we could accomplish using Pendo.
Introduction slide
Tooltip example
Suggested process
Inspiration board
Potential next steps
Suggestions: tooltips versus interface elements
Preliminary (introductory) lightbox ideation
Second step (version 1)
Second step (version 2)
Coding interface in Pendo
Testing on someone else's computer monitor (and visually articulating inconsistencies)
Tooltip insights from Pendo
Pendo Walkthrough Final Functionality Demo
This is a demo I put together of various popups we might use.
Ewing Feature Request Response
Here are a few popups we designed for our Ewing client.
Final design (version 3)
Version 2
Version 1
Excel doc proving that Pendo walkthroughs are improving user experience
Navigation Modal
This popup shows how to navigate plan documents within the STACK interface.
Another one
Earlier iterations dictated tooltips instead of a lightbox
I even traveled to the Pendomonium Conference to accept an award I won for STACK!
Was flown out to North Carolina to accept the Pendo Onboarding Award at Pendomonium 2018
Better photo coming soon
Insights from Pendomonium
These images are excerpts from a presentation and workshop I held after returning from the Pendomonium Conference.
Pendomonium debrief presentation excerpt
Post-debrief brainstorming excercise
BuildingConnected Integration
One project entailed a pitch to collaborate with BuildingConnected. Here are images from our process and presentation.
Preliminary meeting notes
Starting to organize my thoughts
Varying genres of users
Persona of one of our prospective users
User journey map
Integration options (focusing on software for now)
Integration idea
Ewing Feature Request Response
Here I am pitching a drag-and-drop feature for Ewing.
Me pitching drag-and-drop functionality
Revised interface, left panel
Desktop Backgrounds for the Office Wall Monitors
At one point I was tasked with creating desktop backgrounds for various monitors in STACK’s hallways.
Photoshop layers depicting my spotlight effect technique
Providing two versions to the person requesting the image
End result
Logo Tweaking
This is how I fixed our logo file so that it was no longer cut off on social media.
After and before
How I did it when access to layered files was down for the day
Here are some images representing nametag changes I made at STACK.
New name tag design
Earlier versions
Employee Engagement
Here are a few images representing employee engagement efforts I assisted with at STACK.
Lunch & Learns sublogo
Sublogo (contextual) mockup
'Word art' used for conferences
Script Redesign
I helped redesign scripts used by employees who frequently interface with STACK customers.
LAER Model for Sales Team (version 2)
Seeing how Version 1 was pinned up caused me to redesign for optimal scannability
LAER Model for Sales Team (version 1)
Employee Chart
These images show how I redesigned an employee chart.
Organization diagram
Original diagram (prior to my redesign)
Vocabulary Slack Thread
I spearheaded a special Slack conversation centered around learning new vocabulary.
Idea I implemented to improve diversity of in-office diction
Interface opinion installation
Gratitude opinion installation
Funny STACK Game
I used a STACK interface as a backboard for a miniature basketball game for thrown away ideations.
STACKboard for trashcan in action
STACKboard for trashcan
Comic Strip for STACK Company Newsletter
I created this comic strip for one of the company’s internal newsletters.
Comic strip for office newsletter
Comic strip ideation
Collaboration with the University of Cincinnati
I spearheaded a collaboration between STACK and UC. Here is an excerpt from my pitch.
Various Process Work Excerpts
Here are a few examples of process work of mine.
Presentation of various UI necessities
Reorganizing to-dos in order to fill out design brief
Articulating insights with color-coded Post-Its
Pendo pop-up ideation
Auto-count feature workflow ideations
Takeoff function rethinking process
Marketing webpage wireframes
Tooltip color scheme articulation
Tallying continuous feedback progress
I find it's best to include an empty folder in your inbox; on a busy day, there's always room for at least a little bit of well-warranted whimsy